Corners - Handicap

The handicap is applied to the final corners counting for each team in order to determine the winner of the handicap. Assigned but uncollected corners do not count.

Bets will be void if the game is abandoned. 

handicap cantos v4 desktop en.JPG


Bet "Brazil -1.5 - odd 1.52"

To win this bet, Brazil must have 2 more corners than Peru. 

Total corners: 


Brazil - 11 (With the handicap bet, 1.5 corners would be subtracted, leaving 9.5, which is therefore higher than Uruguay's 9)

Uruguai- 9 


Brazil - 10 (With the handicap bet, 1.5 corners would be subtracted, leaving 8.5, which is therefore lower than Uruguay's 9)

Uruguai- 9 


**Please note that in case of doubt or differences our Terms and Conditions prevails over the rules in this page.**

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