1st/2nd/3rd/4th and 5th Set Winner

Bets to predict the winner of a given set. If the game is abandoned before the end of the set in question, bets will be returned. 

The winner of this market will be the first team to achieve 25 points with a difference of 2 points. In case of a tie at 24-24, the game continues until the two points difference is reached (26-24; 27-25; ...).  

If a 5th Set is held, the winner of this set is the first team to achieve 15 points with a difference of 2 points. In case of a tie at 14-14, the game continues until the two points difference is reached (16-14; 17-15; ...). 

If the final score is 3-0, bets for 4th and 5th Set will be returned. 


**Please note that in case of doubt or differences our Terms and Conditions prevails over the rules in this page.**

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