NBA Winners

The winner of a division: The NBA has 30 teams scattered in 6 divisions each with 5 teams: Atlantic, Central, Southeast, Northwest, Pacific and Southwest. Here is determined the winner of each division at the end of the 82 games of the regular season. 


In this example above the Toronto Raptors were the winners of the Atlantic Division. 


The winner of a conference: 

The 6 divisions of the NBA are divided in 2 Conferences, the one of the East and the other one of the West, 3 divisions for each conference. The top 8 finishers of each conference play a playoff to decide the winner of each conference. The winners of each division have a guaranteed place in the playoff. In each round the winner must win 4 games to the opponent. 


Here is determined the winner of each Conference at the end of the Playoffs. The bet is a Winner when the determined team wins the 4 games of the Conference final. As it is possible to check on the right side the finalists of this conference are the Milwaukee and the Toronto, having in the end only one winner of the Conference. On the Left Side you can see that the Winners were the Golden State. 


The winner of a competition: 

At the end of the Playoff, the West and East Conference Winners play the NBA Finals. The winner is the one who has 4 wins. 


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