There are several factors in your internet connection that may affect the game experience, so it should be taken into consideration:
1. Technology used (e.g., ADSL/FTTH/3G/4G), the better and faster the service used is, better the performance on the website;
2. Type of connection used (cable or WIFI), when using a PC we suggest that you have the network cable connected directly to your router or, not being possible, that you access in an area where it gets the best signal with the minimum of (micro)interruptions (this last, is also applicable for mobile devices);
3. Activity on your network, as the more active users and traffic, bigger will be the slowness felt and the probability for (micro)interruptions to occur.
Note: Browsers nowadays allow the addition of several programs and internal application, being this one of the main causes for slowness in the browser used. We suggest that you always have your browser updated with the latest version available by accessing the official homepage of your browser service. It is also recommended the frequent cleaning of cache memory, cookies and history, as the data in stored affects the performance of your browser. Extensions and Plug-ins - PDF Readers, Antivirus and applications like Silverlight, can also affect the performance of your browser, being possible for you to deactivate them.