What if my tournament gets cancelled after it starts?

When a tournament is canceled after it has started, there are two different compensation policies:

  • After the start and the prize zone has not yet been reached
  • After the start and the prize zone has already been reached

The tournament was canceled before reaching the prize zone

  1. ESC Online keeps the fee paid by the eliminated players.
  2. The players who stayed in the tournament (remaining players) get their fees back.
  3. Their contributions are distributed as follows:

- 50% of the contributions are divided equally between the remaining players.

- 50% of the contributions are divided among the remaining players in proportion to the number of chips left at the start of the hand in which the tournament is canceled.

In satellite tournaments with a paytable, “Tickets for prizes”, the remaining players get their money back, based on the scheme mentioned above.

In GTD tournaments, the guaranteed prize pool is returned to ESC Online, the contributions are distributed among the players based on the aforementioned scheme.

In Knockout tournaments, the remaining players receive the amount corresponding to the bounty they have accumulated up to the moment the tournament is canceled.

In limited-time tournaments with “Tickets for surviving”:

  1. ESC Online keeps the fee paid by the eliminated players.
  2. The remaining players receive their fees back.
  3. The remaining players get their contributions back.


The tournament has been canceled in the prize zone

  1. ESC Online keeps the fee paid by the eliminated players.
  2. The players get their fees back.
  3. The remaining players are awarded the minimum prize the players would have taken - the prize for the nearest unoccupied seat.
  4. If after the distribution of the minimum prizes there is still a portion of the total tournament prize pool to be distributed (consisting of player contributions), they are divided among the remaining players in proportion to the amount of chips left at the start of the hand in which the tournament is canceled.

In GTD tournaments, the minimum prizes are paid by player contributions (just as in non-GTD tournaments).

If the amount of player contributions is not enough to pay the minimum prizes, ESC Online will make the remaining amount available up to the guaranteed prize pool.

In Knockout tournaments, the remaining players receive the amount corresponding to the bounty they have accumulated until the tournament is canceled.

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