I have updated my password, however it shows “Invalid Password”, what to do?

If you are having difficulty logging in after updating your password, we suggest that you:

  • Check that your email/username was entered in the same way as you entered when registering, including uppercase and/or lowercase letters;
  • Confirm that you are not including a space before or after your email and/or password;
  • Confirm that there is no data fill preset on your device;
  • Clean the history, cache memory and “cookies” of the browser in use.

After carrying out all the suggested procedures, if you still cannot “Start Session” on the website, contact us via email: support@estorilsoldigital.com.

We will be happy to help!

Important: The suggestions presented here are given to help you have a better experience on our website, being these external and not ESC Online’s responsability.

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