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ESC Online Help Center
Player Account
Account validation
Account validation
I'm having difficulties in creating an account.
I've registered but my account has been suspended. What to do?
I can not send my documents via website. How to proceed?
I've created an account but did not had access to bonuses, I can´t play / bet or deposit.
How long does it take for my player account to be validated?
Can I ask informations about third-party accounts?
Being a Portuguese citizen, on which gaming sites can I play?
I am Portuguese living in Portugal. How can I authenticate my account?
My Identification Card/Passport has expired. Is it accepted?
I'm Portuguese living abroad. Can I register with the passport?
I am a foreigner but I live in Portugal. What documents do I need to send to authenticate my account?
I live in Brazil, what documents are needed to validate my account?
Can I play/bet in other countries?
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<%= block.description %>
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<%= %>
<%= partial('partial-article-list-sections', { id: 'category-' +, parentId: '#sidebar-article-navigation', sections: category.sections, activeCategoryId: activeCategoryId, activeSectionId: activeSectionId, activeArticleId: activeArticleId, partial: partial }) %>
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<% categories.forEach(function(category, index) { %>
<%= %>
<%= partial('partial-section-list-sections', { parent: category, sections: category.sections, maxSections: maxSections, partial: partial }) %>
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<%= article.title %>
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<%= %>
<%= partial('partial-section-list-sections', { parent: section, sections: section.sections, maxSections: maxSections, partial: partial }) %>
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<% } %>
<% } %>