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ESC Online Help Center
Withdrawals & Deposits
General Questions about Withdraws
General Questions about Withdraws
Withdrawals on the new version of the Website
How can I make a withdraw request on the website?
How long does it take for the credits to be transferred?
What can be preventing me from making a withdrawal request?
How to make a withdrawal request outside the Eurozone?
When requesting to withdraw will I lose my bonus credit?
Can I cancel my withdrawal request?
If my IBAN is validated do I need to submit new documents in future withdraws?
What type of transfer methods are available?
Can I transfer to another person's bank account?
I have done a deposit but haven't played or bet. Is it possible to withdraw?
When I try to submit a withdrawal, a message comes up saying that I need to activate my account. What can I do?
Can I make a withdrawal to a foreign bank account?
I want to change my IBAN. How can I do it?
If I submit a withdrawal, will there be any fees charged?
I tried to make a withdrawal request, but appeared the message "insufficient credit". Why?
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